Charles Darwin once said that people blush when they feel shy, calling it the most special and human of all emotions. This shyness appears when we meet something or someone important, painting our cheeks with a warm glow – a shade that mirrors the wine in your glass. With its bright and intense pink color, this wine feels almost like a tribute to that human trait, each sip bringing a quiet connection to our deepest feelings.
The smell of this wine unfolds like a gentle secret. When you lift the glass to your nose, you’ll find lively and clear notes of strawberry jam, mixed with a touch of freshness that begs you to take a sip. It’s a scent that feels both refined and playful, striking a perfect balance between elegance and warmth – a wine that carries you to a sunny afternoon filled with small, precious moments.
On the tongue, this wine shows its true nature: fresh, lasting, and wonderfully fragrant. Each sip lingers, with a light and pleasant taste that makes you want more. It pairs beautifully with many dishes: creamy cheeses, delicate fish and shellfish meals, or even the earthy flavors of mushrooms. Serve it chilled between 10 and 12 °C to enjoy its full charm, and savor its smooth 13.0% alcohol content.
Pairing: cheeses, fish and shellfish dishes, goes well with mushrooms
Serving temperature: 10 - 12 °C
Alcohol content: 13.0%