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    Marcel Zanolari tasting pack

    Marcel Zanolari Marcel Zanolari tasting pack


    This wine is made byMarcel Zanolari

    Marcel Zanolari tasting pack

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    A selection of Marcel Zanolari's best wines! Read more

    • Delivered within 4 to 8 working days
    • Sent directly from the winery
    • Unique wines
    • Local passion, global quality
    Product description

    Vagobondo Rosso IGT BIO 2010 Bio:The Vagabondo Rosso IGT BIO 2010 by Marcel Zanolari is a red wine made from Pinot Noir, Cabernet and Merlot. The wine goes perfectly with game meats and has hints of plums and honey.

    Bianco da Nero Bio:The Bianco da Nero by Marcel Zanolari is a fully biodynamic red wine made from Pinot Noir grapes with hints of lime and berries.

    L'essenziale Rosso di Valtellina 2017 Bio:The 'L'esssenziale' Rosso di Valtellina DOC 2017 by Marcel Zanolari is a red wine made from 100% Valtellinese Nebbiolo grapes. The wine is an accessible red wine that goes well with light meats.

    Sforzato Valtellina Superiore DOCG Bio:The Sforzato Valtellina Superiore DOCG by Marcel Zanolari is a red wine made from 100% Valtellinese Nebbiolo grapes. The wine is a classic Valtellinese wine that goes perfectly with hearty meals.

    Nebbiolo Valtellina Superiore DOCG Bio:The Nebbiolo Valtellina Superiore DOCG by Marcel Zanolari is a red wine made from Valtellinese Nebbiolo grapes. The wine goes perfectly with meat dishes and grilled vegetables.

    Vagabondo Bianco IGT Bio:The Vagabondo Bianco IGT by Marcel Zanolari is a white biodynamic wine made from Riesling and Moscatie grapes from Valtellina. The wine is perfect with light meals and shellfish.

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